I Membri

Lo Studio Legale Tamos & Partners è rappresentato dall’Avv. Lorenzo Tamos del Foro di Milano e iscritto presso l’Ordine della stessa città che (in modo personale e diretto rispetto allo svolgimento dell’attinente professione) costituisce, da circa quattro lustri, il punto di riferimento concreto per la clientela dello Studio svolgendo egli stabilmente la propria attività principalmente presso la sede legale ed operativa di Milano.

L’avv. Tamos è stato anche l’ideatore e fondatore della presente realtà, nonché del Network ad essa connessa, ed il suo ampio profilo professionale ed accademico (a partire dal conseguimento della laurea in giurisprudenza con voti pieni assoluti e lode) può essere appreso/visionato seguendo, in particolare, la “storica” rassegna stampa ed ai vari articoli ovvero alle notizie pubblicate negli anni e posizionate nelle apposite sezioni di questo sito.

I nominativi e i profili degli altri membri e/o collaboratori del network e dello Studio, possono essere visionati sotto la pagina “of counsel“, ovvero nella sezione degli articoli dedicati, che vi invitiamo a consultare.

Alcune preliminari indicazioni in inglese 

What is Avvocatinteam?

Avvocatinteam is an integrated network of independent lawyers and other professionals, of a totally different kind. Fundamental characteristics of it are, besides professional quality of the same, a high operative integration between members, while preserving their individuality and identity. This is conceived in the first instance for reducing and avoiding high fixed costs which are somewhat involved in larger and more structured firms. The latter are the only other kind of reality which can offer experience, competence and effective territorial coverage comparable with those granted by Avvocatinteam.net.


Avvocatinteam offer the ability to chose the team which is going to work for and with the Client in a range of really expert lawyers and professionals. A Team which is involved in the single matter only when a real need is recognised, without burdening the general costs when their expertise is not required. Thereby it is possible to have a seamless intervention and, at the same time, the guarantee of a high level competence in most of the sectors, thanks to an adequate experience which could be scrutinised directly by the Client when the Team is appointed.


The Network offers an utmost valid model. Anyway, according to the relevant applicable Bar rules and the code of ethics (and by the way for our choice), the Client is always free to choose different solutions in respect to the formation of the Team and the contact management, not being forced to a pre-made and rigid solution. Hence, he will be enjoying a tailored of the model when giving instructions, instructions which utterly rely on trust.


Flexibility and the presence of independent and self-sufficient structures guarantee the presence of high level competence in the respective field within the Team, as well as the certainty of being directly assisted by the named partners. This way the Client has access to “boutique” services, tailored and offered by namely appointed experts which take directly care of the level of service and remain in control of it all along the matter is open: thus challenging the trend to standardisation which most of the times our competitors follow.

Areas of intervention and collateral services

The model has being conceived to be in a position to operate in various fields and matters which range between pure consultancy to integrated assistance in complex matters, like project financing, global services, mass debt recovery, environmental audits, company restructuration and outsourcing, mergers and acquisitions and so on.

Thanks to the presence of professionals whose expertise goes beyond the legal one is in addition use of collateral services which range from trademark and domain name registration, to engineering, architectural and zoning assistance, to private investigation, to debt restructuring and consolidation.

Areas of specialisation

While we are prevented from calling ourselves “specialised” in a given field by the present Bar rules, this term means a particular focus and interest (along with acknowledged and established experience) in specific areas of intervention.